Friday, September 23, 2011

H3C - Error: The device is not in the current IRF

reset to default
[H3C] reset saved-config

<H3C> reboot

zero-ize the rsa keys (not cleared with factory reset)
[A5120] public-key local destroy

Make sure that the switch is renumbered as 1

[A5120] undo irf member 2 renumber
[A5120] undo irf member 2 irf-port 1
[A5120] undo irf member 2 irf-port 2
<A5120> reboot

After switch reboots
[A5120] irf member 1 renumber 1

[4800G]dis irf conf
MemberID NewID IRF-Port1 IRF-Port2
*4 4 1 2
* indicates the device is the master.
+ indicates the device through which the user logs in.
Undo irf member 4 renumber
Undo irf member 4 irf-port 1
Undo irf member 4 irf-port 2

[4800G]dis irf conf
MemberID NewID IRF-Port1 IRF-Port2
*4 1 disable disable
* indicates the device is the master.
+ indicates the device through which the user logs in. Save


Error: The device is not in the current IRF
If a device has been previously configured with an incorrect member ID or does not match the stack
member ID, the new device will not synchronize with the existing stack.

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