Tuesday, September 20, 2011

H3C - IRF Installation Steps


·         Set member ids
·         Reboot switches to make member IDs active
·         Connect physical ports with cables or fibers
·         Power the switches on and bind physical IRF ports to logical ports
·         Save the current configurations
·         Activate IRF port configurations
·         Switches that are non-master switches reboot automatically
·         An IRF virtual device is established automatically

Complete the following tasks to configure an IRF virtual device:

Task                                                                   Remarks
Disconnect the physical IRF ports of devices                       Required 
Update firmware to the latest                                           Optional
Specifying a domain ID for an IRF virtual device                Optional
Changing the IRF member ID of a switch                           Required
Configuring IRF ports                                                      Required
Specifying a priority for a member switch                         Optional
Configuring a description for a member switch                  Optional
Specifying the preservation time of bridge MAC address    Optional
Enabling automatic boot file updating                              Optional
Setting the IRF link down report delay                               Optional 

Connect the physical IRF ports of devices and make sure that the physical IRF ports are interconnected (a ring connection is recommended).

Upgrade switches to the latest approved code set. 

If chassis based, set to IRF mode
[H3C] chassis convert mode irf

Differentiate IRF virtual devices by assign a domain ID
[H3C]irf domain <ID>
(Use different IDs from stack to stack and IDF to IDF)
Note: The extended LACP packets sent by member switches carry the IRF domain information to distinguish different IRF virtual devices.

Assign Primary Switch IRF member number
[H3C]irf member 1 renumber 1
(reboot after this command - For a 7500, must be member 1 and 3)

Assign Primary Switch IRF Priority
[H3C]irf member 1 priority 32

Note: Priority of switches is recommended as follows: (Convention only)
   Member 1 = 32,            Member 2= 30
   Member 3 = 28             Member 4 = 26
   Member 5 = 24             Member 6 = 22

Assign Secondary Switch Member number
[H3C]irf member 1 renumber 2
(reboot after this command)

Assign secondary switch Priority number
[H3C]irf member 2 primary 30

Assign Third Switch Member number
[H3C]irf member 1 renumber 3
(reboot after this command)

Assign third switch Priority number
[H3C]irf member 3 primary 28

Preserve the Masters MAC address for 6 minutes before replacement with alternates MAC
[H3C]irf mac-address persistent timer

Enable boot file auto upgrade for an IRF device (automatically updates added switch to IRF)
[H3C]irf auto-update enable
Note: To save time, update the added switches firmware before adding it to IRF.

Shutdown irf links
[H3C]int tenx/x shut

Build IRF ports
[H3C]irf-port 1/1, port group interface tex/x mode enh
(Be sure to shutdown the port BEFORE creating IRF. There should also be two irf ports per switch x/1 and x/2.  Save config!)

Unshut IRF ports
[H3C]int tex/x undo shut

Save Configuration (required)
<H3C> save

Cable connections

Activate IRF port detection (Required on most switches)
<H3C-#1>irf-port-configuration active
<H3C-#2>irf-port-configuration active
<H3C-#3>irf-port-configuration active

IRF Installation Quick Steps

Set IRF on each switch in the stack

Disconnect all IRF cables (required)

Differentiate IRF virtual devices by assign a domain ID (optional)
<H3C>irf domain (Use different IDs from stack to stack and IDF to IDF)

Assign Primary Switch IRF member number (required)
<H3C>irf member 1 renumber 1 (reboot after this command)

Assign Primary Switch IRF Priority (optional)
<H3C>irf member 1 priority 32
Priority recommended priority as follows:
Member 1 = 32       Member 2= 30              Member 3 = 28

Assign Secondary Switch Member number (required)
<H3C>irf member 1 renumber 2 (reboot after this command)

Assign secondary switch Priority number (optional)
<H3C>irf member 2 primary 30

Assign Third Switch Member number (required)
<H3C>irf member 1 renumber 3 (reboot after this command)

Assign third switch Priority number (optional)
<H3C>irf member 3 primary 28

Preserve Masters MAC addr for 6 minutes (optional)
<H3C>irf mac-address persistent timer

Enable boot file auto upgrade for an IRF device (optional)
<H3C>irf auto-update enable (automatically updates added switch to IRF)
Note: To save time, update the added switches firmware before adding it to IRF.

Shutdown irf links (required)
<H3C>interface interface Ten1/1/1 shut
<H3C>interface interface Ten1/1/2 shut

<H3C>interface interface Ten2/1/1 shut
<H3C>interface interface Ten2/1/2 shut

<H3C>interface interface Ten3/1/1 shut
<H3C>interface interface Ten3/1/2 shut

Build IRF ports (required)
<H3C>irf-port 1/1, port group interface Ten1/1/1 mode normal
<H3C>irf-port 1/2, port group interface Ten1/1/2 mode normal

<H3C>irf-port 2/1, port group interface Ten2/1/1 mode normal
<H3C>irf-port 2/2, port group interface Ten2/1/2 mode normal

<H3C>irf-port 3/1, port group interface Ten3/1/1 mode normal
<H3C>irf-port 3/2, port group interface Ten3/1/2 mode normal

Unshut IRF ports (required)
<H3C>interface interface Ten1/1/1 undo shut
<H3C>interface interface Ten1/1/2 undo shut

<H3C>interface interface Ten2/1/1 undo shut
<H3C>interface interface Ten2/1/2 undo shut

<H3C>interface interface Ten3/1/1 undo shut
<H3C>interface interface Ten3/1/2 undo shut

Save Configuration (required)
<H3C> save

Cable connections

Activate IRF port detection (Required on most switches)
<H3C-#1>irf-port-configuration active
<H3C-#2>irf-port-configuration active
<H3C-#3>irf-port-configuration active

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Central Florida, United States