Sunday, January 31, 2016

Updating Comware 12500 Chassis Based Switches Software via BootWare

This requires a bootloader binary file (*.btw).  You will need to obtain it from HPN Support if you need to use this method to update your switches.  Any other source will be dangerous and not Support should you run into difficulties.  

I used bootloader binary file 95e12500lst1mrpnc12063_v2.20.btw and placed it in the root directory of my tftp server.  I used tftpd64 on my laptop.  You will connect an RJ45 cable between your laptop NIC and the MPU’s Management port to perform these steps.  Set your laptop NIC with an ip address and subnet ( in my case).  Make sure you set the Management interface within the same net ( in this case)

===========================<EXTEND-BOOTWARE MENU>===========================
|<1> Boot System                                                           |
|<2> Enter Serial SubMenu                                                  |
|<3> Enter Ethernet SubMenu                                                |
|<4> File Control                                                          |
|<5> Restore to Factory Default Configuration                              |
|<6> BootWare Operation Menu                                               |
|<7> Clear Super Password                                                  |
|<8> Storage Device Operation                                              |
|<9> Product Special Operation                                             |
|<0> Reboot                                                                |
Ctrl+F: Format File System
Enter your choice(0-9): 6

=========================<BootWare Operation Menu>==========================
|Note:the operating device is cfa0                                         |
|<1> Backup Full BootWare                                                  |
|<2> Restore Full BootWare                                                 |
|<3> Update BootWare By Serial                                             |
|<4> Update BootWare By Ethernet                                           |
|<0> Exit To Main Menu                                                     |
Enter your choice(0-4): 4

===================<BOOTWARE OPERATION ETHERNET SUB-MENU>===================
|<1> Update Full BootWare                                                  |
|<2> Update Extend BootWare                                                |
|<3> Update Basic BootWare                                                 |
|<4> Modify Ethernet Parameter                                             |
|<0> Exit To Main Menu                                                     |
Enter your choice(0-4): 4

==========================<ETHERNET PARAMETER SET>==========================
|Note:       '.' = Clear field.                                            |
|            '-' = Go to previous field.                                   |
|          Ctrl+D = Quit.                                                  |
Protocol (FTP or TFTP) :ftp tftp
Load File Name         :12500C5.bin
Target File Name       :12500C5.bin
Server IP Address      :
Local IP Address       :
Gateway IP Address     :

===================<BOOTWARE OPERATION ETHERNET SUB-MENU>===================
|<1> Update Full BootWare                                                  |
|<2> Update Extend BootWare                                                |
|<3> Update Basic BootWare                                                 |
|<4> Modify Ethernet Parameter                                             |
|<0> Exit To Main Menu                                                     |
Enter your choice(0-4): 1
740652 bytes downloaded!
Updating Basic BootWare? [Y/N]Y
Updating Basic BootWare....Done!
Updating Extend BootWare? [Y/N]Y
Updating Extend BootWare...Done!

===================<BOOTWARE OPERATION ETHERNET SUB-MENU>===================
|<1> Update Full BootWare                                                  |
|<2> Update Extend BootWare                                                |
|<3> Update Basic BootWare                                                 |
|<4> Modify Ethernet Parameter                                             |
|<0> Exit To Main Menu                                                     |
Enter your choice(0-4): 0

=========================<BootWare Operation Menu>==========================
|Note:the operating device is cfa0                                         |
|<1> Backup Full BootWare                                                  |
|<2> Restore Full BootWare                                                 |
|<3> Update BootWare By Serial                                             |
|<4> Update BootWare By Ethernet                                           |
|<0> Exit To Main Menu                                                     |
Enter your choice(0-4): 0

===========================<EXTEND-BOOTWARE MENU>===========================
|<1> Boot System                                                           |
|<2> Enter Serial SubMenu                                                  |
|<3> Enter Ethernet SubMenu                                                |
|<4> File Control                                                          |
|<5> Restore to Factory Default Configuration                              |
|<6> BootWare Operation Menu                                               |
|<7> Clear Super Password                                                  |
|<8> Storage Device Operation                                              |
|<9> Product Special Operation                                             |
|<0> Reboot                                                                |
Ctrl+F: Format File System
Enter your choice(0-9): 0
DDR2 SDRAM test successful.
Press Ctrl+T to start five-step full RAM test...
Press Ctrl+Y to start nine-step full RAM test...
System is starting...
Press Ctrl+D to access BASIC-BOOTWARE MENU...
Booting Normal Extended BootWare
The Extended BootWare is self-decompressing.................................

*                                                                          *
*                    HP 12500 BootWare, Version 2.20                       *
*                                                                          *
Copyright (c) 2010-2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.

Compiled Date         : Nov  1 2013
CPU Type              : MPC8548E
CPU L1 Cache          : 32KB
CPU L2 Cache          : 512KB
CPU Clock Speed       : 1000MHz
Memory Type           : DDR2 SDRAM
Memory Size           : 4096MB
Memory Speed          : 400MHz
BootWare Size         : 4MB
Flash Size            : 128MB
cfa0 Size             : 4002MB
NVRAM Size            : 1024KB
BASIC CPLD Version    : 004
EXTENDED CPLD Version : 004
PCB Version           : Ver.B

Board self testing...........................
Board steady testing...                           [ PASS ]
Board SlotNo...                                   [   0  ]
Subcard exist testing...                          [ PASS ]
DX246  testing...                                 [ PASS ]
PHY88E1111  testing...                            [ PASS ]
CPLD1 testing...                                  [ PASS ]
CPLD2 testing...                                  [ PASS ]
NS16550 register testing...                       [ PASS ]
The switch's Mac address...                       [B8:AF:67:BC:6C:00]
CF Card testing...                                [ PASS ]
BootWare Validating...
Normal Basic BootWare Version is newer than Backup Basic BootWare!
Begin to Update the Backup Basic BootWare.........Done.
Backup Extended BootWare is newer than Normal Extended BootWare,updating?
Press Ctrl+B to access EXTENDED-BOOTWARE MENU...

Here we will manually tell the switch which software files to load.  If you do not have the ipe file loaded, or if you don’t have enough room on your CF card to house both the ipe and the individual .bin files, then use this procedure.  The lab switches and the production switches are using only the .bin files for the upgrade.

==========================<EXTENDED-BOOTWARE MENU>==========================
|<1> Boot System                                                           |
|<2> Enter Serial SubMenu                                                  |
|<3> Enter Ethernet SubMenu                                                |
|<4> File Control                                                          |
|<5> Restore to Factory Default Configuration                              |
|<6> BootWare Operation Menu                                               |
|<7> Skip Authentication for Console Login                                 |
|<8> Storage Device Operation                                              |
|<9> Product Special Operation                                             |
|<0> Reboot                                                                |
Ctrl+F: Format File System
Enter your choice(0-9): 4

===============================<File CONTROL>===============================
|Note:the operating device is cfa0                                         |
|<1> Display All File(s)                                                   |
|<2> Set Image File type                                                   |
|<3> Set Bin File type                                                     |
|<4> Delete File                                                           |
|<5> Copy File                                                             |
|<0> Exit To Main Menu                                                     |
Enter your choice(0-5): 3

 'M' = MAIN      'B' = BACKUP      'N/A' = NOT ASSIGNED
|NO. Size(B)   Time                 Type   Name                            |
|1   39580672  Jan/07/2016 08:14:48 N/A    cfa0:/12500-cmw710-boot-r7375-us|
|.bin                                                                      |
|2   223594496 Jan/07/2016 08:16:02 N/A    cfa0:/12500-cmw710-system-r7375-|
|us.bin                                                                    |
|0   Exit                                                                  |
Note:Select .bin files. One but only one boot image and system image must
be included.
Enter file No.(Allows multiple selection):1
Enter another file No.(0-Finish choice):2
Enter another file No.(0-Finish choice):0
You have selected:

Modify the file attribute:
|<1>+Main                                                                  |
|<2>+Backup                                                                |
|<0> Exit                                                                  |
Enter your choice(0-2):1
This operation may take several minutes. Please wait....
Set the file attribute success!

===============================<File CONTROL>===============================
|Note:the operating device is cfa0                                         |
|<1> Display All File(s)                                                   |
|<2> Set Image File type                                                   |
|<3> Set Bin File type                                                     |
|<4> Delete File                                                           |
|<5> Copy File                                                             |
|<0> Exit To Main Menu                                                     |
Enter your choice(0-5): 1

Display all file(s) in cfa0:
 'M' = MAIN      'B' = BACKUP      'N/A' = NOT ASSIGNED
|NO. Size(B)   Time                 Type   Name                            |
|1   0         Jan/07/2016 08:51:08 N/A    cfa0:/.trash/.trashinfo         |
|2   36701     Jan/07/2016 08:53:06 N/A    cfa0:/config.cfg                |
|3   54057088  Apr/10/2015 07:00:40 N/A    cfa0:/a12500-cmw520-r1728p01.bin|
|4   39580672  Jan/07/2016 08:14:48 M      cfa0:/12500-cmw710-boot-r7375-us|
|.bin                                                                      |
|5   223594496 Jan/07/2016 08:16:02 M      cfa0:/12500-cmw710-system-r7375-|
|us.bin                                                                    |
|6   591       Jan/07/2016 08:35:08 N/A    cfa0:/serverkey                 |
|7   42689     Jan/07/2016 09:07:30 N/A    cfa0:/defaultv7/defstartup.cfg  |
|8   368871    Jan/07/2016 09:07:30 N/A    cfa0:/defaultv7/defstartup.mdb  |
|9   60521200  Aug/13/2015 08:40:54 N/A    cfa0:/12500-cmw520-r1828p03.bin |

===============================<File CONTROL>===============================
|Note:the operating device is cfa0                                         |
|<1> Display All File(s)                                                   |
|<2> Set Image File type                                                   |
|<3> Set Bin File type                                                     |
|<4> Delete File                                                           |
|<5> Copy File                                                             |
|<0> Exit To Main Menu                                                     |
Enter your choice(0-5): 0

==========================<EXTENDED-BOOTWARE MENU>==========================
|<1> Boot System                                                           |
|<2> Enter Serial SubMenu                                                  |
|<3> Enter Ethernet SubMenu                                                |
|<4> File Control                                                          |
|<5> Restore to Factory Default Configuration                              |
|<6> BootWare Operation Menu                                               |
|<7> Skip Authentication for Console Login                                 |
|<8> Storage Device Operation                                              |
|<9> Product Special Operation                                             |
|<0> Reboot                                                                |
Ctrl+F: Format File System
Enter your choice(0-9): 0
DDR2 SDRAM test successful.
Press Ctrl+T to start five-step full RAM test...
Press Ctrl+Y to start nine-step full RAM test...
System is starting...
Press Ctrl+D to access BASIC-BOOTWARE MENU...
Booting Normal Extended BootWare
The Extended BootWare is self-decompressing.................................

*                                                                          *
*                    HP 12500 BootWare, Version 2.20                       *
*                                                                          *
Copyright (c) 2010-2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.

Compiled Date         : Nov  1 2013
CPU Type              : MPC8548E
CPU L1 Cache          : 32KB
CPU L2 Cache          : 512KB
CPU Clock Speed       : 1000MHz
Memory Type           : DDR2 SDRAM
Memory Size           : 4096MB
Memory Speed          : 400MHz
BootWare Size         : 4MB
Flash Size            : 128MB
cfa0 Size             : 999MB
NVRAM Size            : 1024KB
BASIC CPLD Version    : 005
EXTENDED CPLD Version : 005
PCB Version           : Ver.B

Board self testing...........................
Board steady testing...                           [ PASS ]
Board SlotNo...                                   [   0  ]
Subcard exist testing...                          [ PASS ]
DX246  testing...                                 [ PASS ]
PHY88E1111  testing...                            [ PASS ]
CPLD1 testing...                                  [ PASS ]
CPLD2 testing...                                  [ PASS ]
NS16550 register testing...                       [ PASS ]
The switch's Mac address...                       [5C:8A:38:C0:CC:00]
CF Card testing...                                [ PASS ]
BootWare Validating...
Backup Extended BootWare is newer than Normal Extended BootWare,updating?
Press Ctrl+B to access EXTENDED-BOOTWARE MENU...
Loading the main image files...
Loading file cfa0:/12500-cmw710-system-r7375-us.bin.........................
Loading file cfa0:/12500-cmw710-boot-r7375-us.bin...........................

Extended BootWare Version is not equal,updating? [Y/N]
Updating Extended BootWare.......Done.
BootWare updated,System is rebooting now.
DDR2 SDRAM test successful.
Press Ctrl+T to start five-step full RAM test...
Press Ctrl+Y to start nine-step full RAM test...
System is starting...
Press Ctrl+D to access BASIC-BOOTWARE MENU...
Booting Normal Extended BootWare
The Extended BootWare is self-decompressing...............................

*                                                                          *
*                    HP 12500 BootWare, Version 2.21                       *
*                                                                          *
Copyright (c) 2010-2014 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.

Compiled Date         : Dec 18 2014
CPU Type              : MPC8548E
CPU L1 Cache          : 32KB
CPU L2 Cache          : 512KB
CPU Clock Speed       : 1000MHz
Memory Type           : DDR2 SDRAM
Memory Size           : 4096MB
Memory Speed          : 400MHz
BootWare Size         : 4MB
Flash Size            : 128MB
cfa0 Size             : 999MB
NVRAM Size            : 1024KB
BASIC CPLD Version    : 005
EXTENDED CPLD Version : 005
PCB Version           : Ver.B

Board self testing...........................
Board steady testing...                           [ PASS ]
Board SlotNo...                                   [   0  ]
Subcard exist testing...                          [ PASS ]
DX246  testing...                                 [ PASS ]
PHY88E1111  testing...                            [ PASS ]
CPLD1 testing...                                  [ PASS ]
CPLD2 testing...                                  [ PASS ]
NS16550 register testing...                       [ PASS ]
The switch's Mac address...                       [5C:8A:38:C0:CC:00]
CF Card testing...                                [ PASS ]
BootWare Validating...
Press Ctrl+B to access EXTENDED-BOOTWARE MENU...
Loading the main image files...
Loading file cfa0:/12500-cmw710-system-r7375-us.bin.........................
Loading file cfa0:/12500-cmw710-boot-r7375-us.bin...........................

Image file cfa0:/12500-cmw710-boot-r7375-us.bin is self-decompressing.......
System image is starting...

Starting image at 0x02000008 ...Cryptographic algorithms tests passed.
Line con1/0 is available.

Press ENTER to get started.

<hp>%Jan  7 10:03:35:937 2016 hp SHELL/5/SHELL_LOGIN: -MDC=1; Console logged in from con1/0.

<hp>dis dev
Slot No.   Brd Type        Brd Status   Software Version
 1/0       LST2MRPNC1      Master       12500-CMW710-R7375-US
 1/1       LST2MRPNC1      Standby      12500-CMW710-R7375-US
 1/2       LST1XP16LEC1    Normal       12500-CMW710-R7375-US
 1/3       NONE            Absent       NONE
 1/4       NONE            Absent       NONE
 1/5       NONE            Absent       NONE
 1/6       NONE            Absent       NONE
 1/7       NONE            Absent       NONE
 1/8       NONE            Absent       NONE
 1/9       LST1GT48LEC1    Normal       12500-CMW710-R7375-US
 1/10      LST2SF08C1      Normal       12500-CMW710-R7375-US
 1/11      LST2SF08C1      Normal       12500-CMW710-R7375-US
 1/12      LST2SF08C1      Normal       12500-CMW710-R7375-US
 1/13      LST2SF08C1      Normal       12500-CMW710-R7375-US
 1/14      LST2SF08C1      Normal       12500-CMW710-R7375-US
 1/15      LST2SF08C1      Normal       12500-CMW710-R7375-US
 1/16      LST2SF08C1      Normal       12500-CMW710-R7375-US
 1/17      LST2SF08C1      Normal       12500-CMW710-R7375-US
 1/18      LST2SF08C1      Normal       12500-CMW710-R7375-US

 2/0       LST2MRPNC1      Standby      12500-CMW710-R7375-US
 2/1       LST2MRPNC1      Standby      12500-CMW710-R7375-US
 2/2       LST1XP16LEC1    Normal       12500-CMW710-R7375-US
 2/3       NONE            Absent       NONE
 2/4       NONE            Absent       NONE
 2/5       NONE            Absent       NONE
 2/6       NONE            Absent       NONE
 2/7       NONE            Absent       NONE
 2/8       NONE            Absent       NONE
 2/9       LST1GT48LEC1    Normal       12500-CMW710-R7375-US
 2/10      LST2SF08C1      Normal       12500-CMW710-R7375-US
 2/11      LST2SF08C1      Normal       12500-CMW710-R7375-US
 2/12      LST2SF08C1      Normal       12500-CMW710-R7375-US
 2/13      LST2SF08C1      Normal       12500-CMW710-R7375-US
 2/14      LST2SF08C1      Normal       12500-CMW710-R7375-US
 2/15      LST2SF08C1      Normal       12500-CMW710-R7375-US
 2/16      LST2SF08C1      Normal       12500-CMW710-R7375-US
 2/17      LST2SF08C1      Normal       12500-CMW710-R7375-US
 2/18      LST2SF08C1      Normal       12500-CMW710-R7375-US

Here I will only show the menu selections until reboot since the output beyond that is identically the same as the above procedure Using the .bin files in BootWare 2.x to load CMW7

==========================<EXTENDED-BOOTWARE MENU>==========================
|<1> Boot System                                                           |
|<2> Enter Serial SubMenu                                                  |
|<3> Enter Ethernet SubMenu                                                |
|<4> File Control                                                          |
|<5> Restore to Factory Default Configuration                              |
|<6> BootWare Operation Menu                                               |
|<7> Skip Authentication for Console Login                                 |
|<8> Storage Device Operation                                              |
|<9> Product Special Operation                                             |
|<0> Reboot                                                                |
Ctrl+F: Format File System
Enter your choice(0-9): 4

===============================<File CONTROL>===============================
|Note:the operating device is cfa0                                         |
|<1> Display All File(s)                                                   |
|<2> Set Image File type                                                   |
|<3> Set Bin File type                                                     |
|<4> Delete File                                                           |
|<5> Copy File                                                             |
|<0> Exit To Main Menu                                                     |
Enter your choice(0-5): 2

 'M' = MAIN      'B' = BACKUP      'N/A' = NOT ASSIGNED
|NO. Size(B)   Time                 Type   Name                            |
|1   261425152 Jan/06/2016 00:34:04 N/A    cfa0:/12500-cmw710-r7375.ipe    |
|2   60521200  Nov/19/2015 23:09:40 M      cfa0:/12500-cmw520-r1828p03.bin |
|0   Exit                                                                  |
Enter file No.:1

Modify the file attribute:
|<1>+Main                                                                  |
|<2>+Backup                                                                |
|<0> Exit                                                                  |
Enter your choice(0-2):1
This operation may take several minutes. Please wait....
The file is exist,will you overwrite it? [Y/N]Y
Image file 12500-CMW710-BOOT-R7375.bin is self-decompressing...
Saving file cfa0:/12500-CMW710-BOOT-R7375.bin ..............................
Image file 12500-CMW710-SYSTEM-R7375.bin is self-decompressing...
Saving file cfa0:/12500-CMW710-SYSTEM-R7375.bin ............................
Set the file attribute success!

===============================<File CONTROL>===============================
|Note:the operating device is cfa0                                         |
|<1> Display All File(s)                                                   |
|<2> Set Image File type                                                   |
|<3> Set Bin File type                                                     |
|<4> Delete File                                                           |
|<5> Copy File                                                             |
|<0> Exit To Main Menu                                                     |
Enter your choice(0-5):

===============================<File CONTROL>===============================
|Note:the operating device is cfa0                                         |
|<1> Display All File(s)                                                   |
|<2> Set Image File type                                                   |
|<3> Set Bin File type                                                     |
|<4> Delete File                                                           |
|<5> Copy File                                                             |
|<0> Exit To Main Menu                                                     |
Enter your choice(0-5): 0

==========================<EXTENDED-BOOTWARE MENU>==========================
|<1> Boot System                                                           |
|<2> Enter Serial SubMenu                                                  |
|<3> Enter Ethernet SubMenu                                                |
|<4> File Control                                                          |
|<5> Restore to Factory Default Configuration                              |
|<6> BootWare Operation Menu                                               |
|<7> Skip Authentication for Console Login                                 |
|<8> Storage Device Operation                                              |
|<9> Product Special Operation                                             |
|<0> Reboot                                                                |
Ctrl+F: Format File System
Enter your choice(0-9): 0
DDR2 SDRAM test successful.
Press Ctrl+T to start five-step full RAM test...
Press Ctrl+Y to start nine-step full RAM test...
System is starting...
Press Ctrl+D to access BASIC-BOOTWARE MENU...
Booting Normal Extended BootWare
The Extended BootWare is self-decompressing.................................

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Please add comments so I may update the material to accommodate platform modification to various commands. Also if you have some real-world caveats, do please share.

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Central Florida, United States